Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Koru Wall is happening, slowly, but surely.

We have been getting ready to paint our Koru wall. 

 All the children in Room 6 have made a poster to practice their designs. Then we looked at what we had done and discussed what we liked and what we thought could change about our work to make it better.

In the meantime, Miss Avern has water blasted the wall (with a little help from Mr. Williams and Whaea Michelle), sanded it and gave it a few coats of primer. It has many uneven holes though, so on Monday Room 6 is going to help Miss Avern fill in those spots.

Sunglasses/Safety goggles... check.
Sarong/ Protective mask... check.

Then On Tuesday we can start PAINTING! 

So, watch this space...

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