Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our Wonderful Koru Wall.

We did it!
Well, we did it a while ago but Miss Avern was a bit slow getting it up here. (Apologies).
Here it is. Ask your child to tell you which is theirs.

We designed our own shape based on the amount of people in our family and then we used colours for each individual koru that we thought represented that family member. Most of us chose the biggest Koru in the centre to be our Mum or Dad because we said they were the person in the family that took care of everything. 

Come and have a look at it if you like. We are thinking about writing our names on our one and also giving it a title. Give us some suggestions for titles in the comments and we can think about what we might like. 


  1. "Koru garden"? It looks like a garden and it's all about growing up.

  2. It's a stunning wall. Well done!

  3. Hi Rm 11, my name is Nethya from Waikowhai Primary School.I really like how you all designed your own koros. Maybe next time you could explain what all the other koros mean. My suggestion is maybe name it the koro forest. Come and check out My blog at
    Feel Free to leave a comment and share y blog with others.
    Bye :) :) :)
