Thursday, March 24, 2016

Room 2 Educational Videos Series: Maths Part 1

In Room 2 we have more teachers than Miss Avern and Mr Williams. 

All the students are teachers too! When we know something really well we can teach it to other people. That helps others to learn it and it helps us to remember it. 

Have a look at us teaching each other how to do some maths. 

Here is Shane teaching Mr. Williams to count on from the highest number.

And Harpreet teaching Mr. Williams too. Lucky Mr. Williams has such good teachers. He might get better at his maths. 

Timote is also teaching to use counting on and counting back. But he is doing it without his fingers. Check him out teaching the people in his group.

And here is Tuatu showing us how to use place value to make adding and subtracting easier. 

Keep looking out for the eduactional video series from Room 2. 
We have lots of new things to teach you coming up soon!


  1. Awesome Room 2! You are such good teachers. I really like how you are using your strategies to explain what you are doing. Do you like maths?

  2. Hello Room 2,
    Great to see you sharing your counting-on learning by teaching Mr Williams. What a great idea.
    You could try using the phone/ipad to video when it is landscape to avoid the black bars.

    Mrs Krausse

  3. Great work guys! Do you think you could come teach Room 9 how to count on?

  4. nice job shane happret tamute and tuatu.

  5. I like how you show us how to do maths By room 2

  6. Hello room 2 .
    I really like the way Mr. Williams is teaching room 2 math.Just the way he told us.
