Sunday, March 6, 2016

School Values

We started our year off my talking about the Values and what they mean. We think it is really important in Room 2 to be kind to each other. Everybody is here is already very good at saying what that means and what it looks like at school. There was a bit of trouble though knowing what Ako and Manaakitanga looked like in and around the classroom. So we spent a bit more time practicing how to say what they were and deciding how we could do things that show respect and responsibility for our learning.

Here is our wall display. It's not the best photo but I think that is all the more reason to come in and have a look at it in person. :) We were very proud of it. We made it colour-coded so it was easier to remember what each value means when we need reminding.

 Harpreet knows what to do to show Mana.

Priya knows how to show Aroha.

Azaria knows how to show Manaakitanga.

Lile is a kind and caring girl, here's why:


  1. Kia ora Room 2,
    Great to see your values wall and to hear you talking about your values. I look forward to seeing then in action next time I am in your class.

  2. Hello Room 2 - It's great to see you learning about your school values. I have already seen so many of you displaying these values during fitness time. You are great at showing Mana! - Ms Lim
